Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod® Touch. Print photos, emails, webpages and files including Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint® and PDF documents. Also supports Box, Dropbox, Evernote®*1, Google Drive™ and Microsoft OneDrive™. Epson iPrint makes printing easy and convenient whether your printer is in the next room or across the world. Key Features • Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad • Print from anywhere in the world to email-enabled Epson printers using remote print functionality • Print photos, PDFs and Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Print stored files, email attachments, and online files from Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive • Capture a document with your device camera, format, enhance, then save, ready to print • Scan from your Epson all-in-one and share your file (save to your device, send via email or save online) • Copy documents and photos using your mobile device and a nearby Epson printer • Transfer files between your device and an SD card or USB drive via an Epson printer • Check your printer's status and ink levels • Print within a complex network environment using manual IP printer setup • Get help with a built-in FAQ section Advanced Features • Print high quality photos with automatic backlight and color cast correction • Choose and print multiple photos • Print your email attachments and stored files • Configure your print options including paper size and type, number of copies, page range and one- or two-sided printing • Print with and without borders • Switch between color or monochrome printing • Choose from different scanning resolutions and image types • Optimize print quality • Buy ink and supplies for your printer • Setup & register to Epson Connect • Manage remote printers
Epson WorkForce Enterprise WF-C20600 Support
Software pentru creativitate
Epson Creative Print
Informații suplimentare:
Express your creativity! Print your phone or tablet photos, print directly onto CD/DVDs, create customized greeting cards, personalize stationery and turn your photos into a fun coloring book project.
Mobile Apps
Epson iPrint Mobile App for iOS
Informații suplimentare:
Epson iPrint Mobile App
Informații suplimentare:
Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod® Touch. Print photos, emails, webpages and files including Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint® and PDF documents. Also supports Box, Dropbox, Evernote®*1, Google Drive™ and Microsoft OneDrive™. Epson iPrint makes printing easy and convenient whether your printer is in the next room or across the world. Key Features • Print, scan, and share directly from your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad • Print from anywhere in the world to email-enabled Epson printers using remote print functionality • Print photos, PDFs and Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Print stored files, email attachments, and online files from Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive • Capture a document with your device camera, format, enhance, then save, ready to print • Scan from your Epson all-in-one and share your file (save to your device, send via email or save online) • Copy documents and photos using your mobile device and a nearby Epson printer • Transfer files between your device and an SD card or USB drive via an Epson printer • Check your printer's status and ink levels • Print within a complex network environment using manual IP printer setup • Get help with a built-in FAQ section Advanced Features • Print high quality photos with automatic backlight and color cast correction • Choose and print multiple photos • Print your email attachments and stored files • Configure your print options including paper size and type, number of copies, page range and one- or two-sided printing • Print with and without borders • Switch between color or monochrome printing • Choose from different scanning resolutions and image types • Optimize print quality • Buy ink and supplies for your printer • Setup & register to Epson Connect • Manage remote printers
Manuale și documentație
Manuale și documentație
User's Guide (v18)
Document Capture Pro
Document Capture Pro Server
11.51 MB
Informații suplimentare:
This manual provides you with information on how to use your product from setting up to troubleshooting.
Informații suplimentare:
The Epson document capture suite platform is a range of software solutions for capturing and routing electronic documents at the click of a button. Whether you're on the go, running a small business, or responsible for a large corporate organisation with hundreds of employees, Epson software helps to build a better business environment.
Informații suplimentare:
"Document Capture Pro Server" is a server application that realizes capture operations and work flow and supports the Document Management System. This system can manage scanners and jobs in a batch, and can be installed even without a client computer in your environment.
Înregistrare și opțiuni pentru garanție
Înregistrare și opțiuni pentru garanție
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Verificați garanția
Pentru a verifica starea garanției produsului dvs., accesați butonul „Verificati starea garanției” de mai jos și introduceți numărul de serie al produsului pe pagina de asistență.
Opțiuni de extindere a garanției (CoverPlus)
Protejați-vă produsul Epson dincolo de perioada standard de garanție cu un plan Epson CoverPlus. Pentru a afla mai multe despre opțiunile noastre de garanție extinsă, accesați butonul „Vedeți opțiunile de garanție extinsă” de mai jos.
Sunaţi-ne pentru a discuta cu unul dintre specialiştii noştri:
Technical Support: (+40)21.794.08.09
Sales Support: (+40)21. 402.50.24
Vă rugăm să rețineți că acest serviciu este disponibil de luni până joi între 09:00 - 18:00 şi vineri între 09:00 - 16:00 (cu excepția sărbătorilor legale).
Pentru a vă oferi suport tehnic, va fi necesar să oferiți numărul de serie echipei noastre la începutul apelului. Acest detaliu ne va permite să vă sprijinim rapid și eficient
Technical Support: (+40)21.794.08.09
Sales Support: (+40)21. 402.50.24
Vă rugăm să rețineți că acest serviciu este disponibil de luni până joi între 09:00 - 18:00 şi vineri între 09:00 - 16:00 (cu excepția sărbătorilor legale).
Pentru a vă oferi suport tehnic, va fi necesar să oferiți numărul de serie echipei noastre la începutul apelului. Acest detaliu ne va permite să vă sprijinim rapid și eficient
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Pentru produsele aflate în garanție, vă rugăm să ne contactați prin chat online, telefon sau e-mail. Dacă produsul dvs. este înafara garanției, va rugam sa va adresati unui centru de service.
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